Sumthin for Santa!
We sat down with our friends in Hopfully Brewing Co., had a good oul chat and decided to brew a beer together. Christmas was closing in on us so we thought we’d make it a Christmas beer.
What’s a Christmas beer?
No idea. But ours is a luscious, delicious brown ale, flavoured with chocolate and hazelnuts. Nothing hectic % wise. Nice and mellow and drinkable and Christmassy right…?
We called it, Sumthin For Santa, because we were positive he would prefer one of these to be left out for him by the fire place rather then feckin’ milk n’ cookies.
We are launching the Beer in the Taphouse on Thursday 29th November with some free samples and nibbles from our new Christmas Menu.
The most important part is that 1 Euro from the price of each pint or can sold will go to Crumlin Children’s Hospital.